Sunday, June 21, 2009

More fairies from a distant time.....2007!

The Gathering!
Oh aren't we fashion conscious fairies now!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Menapausal" Pandemic hits Fairies!

WWW Fairies have been hit by a pandemic. Not to put out at all with their confinement, they gathered at the Civic Theatre with fellow pandemicee's for an evening of commiserating, sympathising and empathising. Laughter being the best medicine all attendees left feeling much healment and enjoying....I mean healing and enjoyment!! Fairie Gay in fine form singing for us all.
Fairies Trish, Delayne, Gail and Kerry

Fairie Cyn clearing the tables so she can dance on them!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Have you got a Bucket List?

Have you seen the movie 'The Bucket List'? It's a yarn about two guys who have to fulfill a list of things before they die and they both have been given a sentence due to sickness. A sobering thought that at anytime anyone of us...perish the thought! I think you get my what is on your list Girls? Adventure, fun creativity!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wild Womens Weekend 2009: Mamma Mia

It’s on again Girls our WWW in Paluma.
It is one reason to be grateful that time fly’s!

The date to mark on your calendar and arrange for an early getaway ...

FRIDAY 9th October 2009
for Saturday and Sunday

The same usual get together of feminine frolicking.
Letting down the hair, dancing, laughing and behaving in the ‘joyfulness’ of your being.

The theme is, if you haven’t already guessed is
Mamma Mia!

You have six months to dig out your old 70’s and 80’s dance gear.
If you don’t have any, the thrift shops are waiting to accommodate your needs!
Sew, scrounge or steal .... whatever you do best
But whatever you do, be fancy dressed!

Price is $160 per person which includes food and accommodation.
$60 deposit is required to nail a spot .

You can deposit online directly . Contact us for details.

Fairies in the Forest 2007

Now this is REAL pole dancing.

Musical Fairies.

Blue, Beautiful and Bubble Blowing Fairies.

Baby Fairie and Mother Fairie

Gumburu Environmental Centre at Paluma

Paluma Car Wash!
Not always off with Fairies...
Heads in clouds too!
The view from the lookout. On a clear day
you can almost see forever.