Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Photos and report will be forthcoming when Red Queen feels like it!
Probably, more than likely when she come back off holidays from Wonderland in the desert!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WWW 2011 ....AUGUST 12TH, 13TH & 14TH

Cheshire cat


The theme for this years Wild Women Weekend at Gumburu, Paluma is Alice in Wonderland. Get you thinking caps on and start preparing girls. You can be as creative as you want. There are plenty of places to go to refresh your memory with regards to the story. There is the latest movie and lots of old ones too as well as the internet.

$180 covers the weekend. See details for payment below.

White Queen

 Pay Deposit.

 Start saving now!

 Mark it on your calendar.

 Read the book or watch the movie.

 Pick a character and create an outfit.

Please pay $50 deposit into ECUA Townsville

BSB: 804019

Account: 336261

Account name: Shona McCarthy and Donna Stark

Reference: YOUR NAME (don’t forget!)

ECUA Townsville (Ergon Energy 24 Dalrymple Road)

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee